About 60 people gathered at Joe Knollenberg's campaign office on Telegraph to urge Joe to change his vote and help override the President's veto on the SCHIP bill.
Reverend Rich Peacock urges Joe Knollenberg to change his vote on SCHIP.
Elizabeth Chenard urges Joe to do the right thing.
Kids Warn Conservatives: No More Photo Ops President Bush has vetoed expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program to cover 10 million kids, even though the government program is a proven success with broad bipartisan support. Bush is expecting House conservatives to sustain his veto. But kids have a message for them: You want us in your photo ops? You better vote for our health care.
Watch the video here. Then, send your own message to your Representative in the House: stand up for our kids, stand up to George Bush, and override the veto.
To learn the facts and counter the spin about SCHIP, click here.
I know that sounds cruel, but it's the truth. Joe Knollenberg and George W. Bush are on the same page when it comes to supplying affordable health care to America's children. $35 billion, the cost of 4.5 months of the war in Iraq is what it would cost to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, as the Senate overwhelmingly voted to approve and the House also approved, although not by a veto-proof majority. Joe Knollenberg was one of the Republicans that voted with President Bush, like he does 94% of the time and against expanding this extremely successful program. I hope you're proud of yourself Congressman Knollenberg. The children of Michigan were counting on you and you let them down. So what's new?
In spite of Joe Knollenberg's pro-birth stance, once children are born, he doesn't give a damn about them, as evidenced by his vote against the State Children's Health Insurance Program, commonly known as SCHIP.
It's so sad. Joe is so scared of losing his seat in Congress, he's willing to do and say anything.
Joe Knollenberg is not a defender of education
I feel compelled to write in response to Joe Knollenberg’s recent letter to the editor in the Birmingham Eccentric regarding his legislation to provide a $5,000 scholarship for high school students that enter college and major in math, science, engineering or health-care related field.
Great idea Joe, but you’re a little late to the party. If I could ever get to meet with you face to face, I’d ask why you’re only now proposing legislation to address the education needs of our children. Just to refresh the voters’ memory, back in 2005, Joe Knollenberg voted to slash funding for primary schools by $784 million. Joe also voted to cut federal student aid by $12.7 billion that would have allowed middle class students to obtain low cost loans. That same legislation increased the interest rate charged on the loans that are still being offered. Now Joe Knollenberg would have us believe he’s on our side. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. When Joe Knollenberg was in the majority and he felt his seat was not at risk, he felt perfectly safe slashing education funds.
Now that he feels his seat in Congress is in jeopardy, Joe feels the need to introduce legislation. I say voters are smarter than you give them credit for, Mr. Knollenberg.
January 2007January 19, 2007Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce - Legislative Update 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.Rochester College (in the RAC Theatre)800 W. AvonRochester HillsNo charge