The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released a Grove Insight poll of 400 likely voters conducted October 4-5 with a 4.9 percent margin of error shows that Gary Peters leads Congressman Joe Knollenberg 46-37 percent in an initial head-to-head matchup. Two percent selected Jack Kevorkian and 15 percent were undecided. 84 percent of likely voters said, "Things in this part of Michigan are off on the wrong track."
"Gary Peters continues to build momentum in the race by winning over middle class families with his message of taking action to create good-paying jobs, restoring fiscal discipline and getting Michigan's economy back on track," said Ryan Rudominer, Midwest Regional Press Secretary for the DCCC. "In stark contrast, Michigan's middle class families are clearly fed up with Congressman Knollenberg for blindly following the failed Bush economic policies that led to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
On October 2nd, both Congressional Quarterly and the Cook Political Report upgraded their ratings of the race in the 9th District to "Tossup." Show Gary some love. Click here to contribute.