Friday, October 10, 2008

Peters up by 9 in latest poll

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released a Grove Insight poll of 400 likely voters conducted October 4-5 with a 4.9 percent margin of error shows that Gary Peters leads Congressman Joe Knollenberg 46-37 percent in an initial head-to-head matchup. Two percent selected Jack Kevorkian and 15 percent were undecided. 84 percent of likely voters said, "Things in this part of Michigan are off on the wrong track."

Gary Peters"Gary Peters continues to build momentum in the race by winning over middle class families with his message of taking action to create good-paying jobs, restoring fiscal discipline and getting Michigan's economy back on track," said Ryan Rudominer, Midwest Regional Press Secretary for the DCCC. "In stark contrast, Michigan's middle class families are clearly fed up with Congressman Knollenberg for blindly following the failed Bush economic policies that led to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."

On October 2nd, both Congressional Quarterly and the Cook Political Report upgraded their ratings of the race in the 9th District to "Tossup." Show Gary some love. Click here to contribute.

Peters raises $650,000, and he's ahead in the polls

If I were a betting man, given Peters' fundraising numbers and the tightness of the polls, Knollenberg will show up at the forum with Peters this week. Knollenberg hasn't had a real debate with an opponent in a while and he has never had a public forum with voters to answer questions about his votes.

Peters' camp raises $650,000

Two polls, one conducted by Democrat's campaign, show him neck-and-neck with Rep. Knollenberg.

Deb Price / Detroit News Washington Bureau

Democrat Gary Peters' campaign said Thursday he raised more than $650,000 from mid-July through September in his bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg in one of the nation's most closely watched congressional races.

And two new polls out Thursday, one by Michigan-based Mitchell Research & Communications and one by the Peters campaign, show the contest is up for grabs with Election Day four weeks off.

Campaign finance statements are due next week, but Peters' aides announced his fundraising results early.

"We'll come out really strong. It's our strongest quarter yet," said campaign manager Julie Ann Petrick. Click here for the rest of the story.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Will Knollenberg Show Up for Forum?

Forum features congressional candidates

October 9, 2008

Candidates for the 9th Congressional District - which includes Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township - are scheduled to appear together at Oakland University next week.

The forum, presented by the League of Women Voters Oakland Area and co-sponsored by the AAUW of Michigan and the League of Women Voters Troy, begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16 in the Gold Room in the Oakland Center Building on the OU campus.

The candidates invited to participate include Republican Joe Knollenberg, Democrat Gary Peters, Douglas Campbell of the Green Party, Libertarian Adam Goodman, and No Party Affiliation Jack Kevorkian.

Questioning the candidates will be Nolan Finley, editorial page editor of The Detroit News, Stephen Henderson, deputy editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press, and Roger Larocca assistant professor of political science at Oakland University.

The moderator is Chuck Stokes editorial and public affairs director of WXYZ-TV Channel 7.

The forum is open to the public and will be rebroadcast on cable channels throughout the district and Channel 7.

Are You Kidding, Joe?

In today's Oakland Press, Joe Knollenberg criticizes Gary Peters for not taking a stand on whether Peters would have voted for the economic bailout bill. But I found something more interesting in the article at the end.

Knollenberg actually repeats the mantra that Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because Alaska is next to Russia. Using that logic or lack thereof, if Joe Knollenberg were somehow standing next to William Ayers, does that make Joe a domestic terrorist? According to John McCain, it just may, since that is the charge McCain is making against Barack Obama. McCain has some pretty shady associations in his past and it looks like the Obama campaign is willing to start bringing those associations to light. And Palin herself has some interesting things in her background too, like her pastor, Thomas Muthee, a literal witch hunter. If I were Joe, I'd back off wanting Palin to come back to Michigan.

Joe also says, "She's an exciting lady." I'm not sure what Joe means by "exciting", but I think he's thinking with a part of his anatomy other than his brain when he makes that statement. One conservative columnist called Palin a "cancer on the Republican party," yesterday. Other conservative columnists realize that Palin is a drag on the Republican ticket and she is decreasing rather than increasing McCain's chances, which are already slim and none. But not Joe. Joe thinks Palin is "exciting." I wonder if Sandie Knollenberg cares that Joe finds Palin "exciting."

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

MDP Puts up New Web Site: Joe Knollenberg Delivers - For Special Interests

The Michigan Democratic Party just took the fight to Joe Knollenberg. God Bless them. There is a new web site, that has videos from constituents disappointed in Knollenberg's record on health care, small business and for not helping firefighters getting more resources. Does Sandie know you find Sarah "exciting"?

On Health Care

On Small Business

On Delivering for Firefighters

Another Health Care Story

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Knollenberg, Republicans, want lightweight Palin back in state

Republicans, stunned by John McCain pulling out of Michigan, held a press conference yesterday in Pontiac trying to rally the troops. Joe Knollenberg, has written a letter to the McCain campaign, asking them to let Sarah Failin campaign here, but they haven't received a response to Joe's letter. They seem to be going through the grief process. First they were in denial, then they were angry and on November 4 they will be forced to get to acceptance of the huge losses they are facing in the state of Michigan.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Joe Knollenberg, an environmentalist?

I just found this video that tells the truth about Joe Knollenberg and his environmental record. Joe Knollenberg is no environmentalist.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Knollenberg Invites Sarah Palin back to Michigan

I'm sorry, but this is just pathetic. John McCain has said he's pulling out of Michigan and leaving poor Joe Knollenberg all on his own, without the Presidential ticket campaigningin Michigan. Joe must be really scared he's going to get whooped by Gary Peters. Knollenberg actually thinks lightweight VP candidate and hockey mom, Sarah Palin, who shoots wolves from helicopters, can help him win back his seat in Congress. Joe must be really desperate to think Palin is important to him keeping his seat.

Knollenberg invites Palin to come back to Michigan

Gordon Trowbridge / Detroit News Washington Bureau

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has questioned for a second straight day the McCain campaign's decision to abandon its Michigan operation.

By late Saturday afternoon, Congressman Joe Knollenberg's office released a letter that he had sent to Palin. In a letter, dated Oct. 4, 2008, Knollenberg (R-MI) invites Palin to return to Michigan and campaign in Oakland County.

"My disappointment over Senator McCain's decision to not campaign in Michigan was immediately overwhelmed by my excitement upon hearing of your desire to come back to our state," he wrote. "Consider this a formal invitation to join me on the trail in Oakland County. With hard work, you and John can win my pivotal county and then likely win Michigan as well."

Click here for the rest of the story.