Saturday, January 20, 2007
Joe's Defends lowest Mileage standards in the world
Friday, January 19, 2007
Armenia or America?
On Congressman Knollenberg's website he gushes with pride for what he has done for Armenia.
"I am committed to strengthening the relationship between the United States and
Armenia .
As Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, I help lead an organization of Members of Congress who are interested in supporting Armenia , strengthening the ties between our two countries, and affirming the Armenian
Genocide. I am also able to support Armenia through my position as a senior member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, which determines the amount of foreign assistance countries receive each year.
In the 108th Congress, I introduced legislation to grant Permanent Normal
Trade Relations status to Armenia . The bill was signed into law in 2004.
Furthermore, in the 109th Congress, I have introduced H.R. 3361, the South Caucasus Integration and Open Railroads Act of 2005. This legislation would prohibit U.S. funding from going toward the construction of a new railroad in the South Caucasus region that purposely excludes Armenia . It currently has 85 cosponsors."
In fact Congressman Knollenberg is helping America become much more like Armenia. For instance. Congressman Knollenberg opposes raising the minimum wage. This helps America stay much more inline with Armenia where GDP per capita is only $5,400/per Armenian.
Congressman Knollenberg has valiantly fought terrorists the world over, regardless of what anyone thinks. This thinking is mirrored in Armenia, their government says "underlying the very nature of US-Armenian relations was Armenia’s unconditional support for the United States in its campaign against the international terrorism on the wake of terrorist attacks in New York and Washington."
How else can we become like Armenia? Armenia seems to have so much to offer. Well, with Congressman Knollenberg helping to ship American jobs overseas (possibly even to Armenia) Michigan's unemployment rate has jumped to 7.1% almost that of Armenia at 7.6%!
Everyday Joe Knollenberg is helping to turn America into Armenia. So to Armenians or Americans throughout the 9th let's thank Joe Knollenberg for helping everyday Armenians/Americans and Armenian-Americans succeed. Maybe one day we too can even further replicate Armenia - and with Congressman Knollenberg at the helm pretty soon we will be just like Armenia!
No Show Joe
One thing is clear, Joe is a short-term thinker. He's for alternative energy, but against raising CAFE standards. What he doesn't seem to acknowledge is that our mileage standards in the United States are the lowest in the world, way below the Chinese. I doubt that if we had been constantly raising our mileage standards through the years our economy here in Michigan woul dbe in the shape it is now. We have the technical know-how in the country and we could be leading the world in mileage standards, but not with Joe in Congress.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Reminder of Knollenberg appearance on January 19
The college is located on Avon Road just east of Livernois. The Rochester Eccentric will most likely be covering this event with a reporter and a photographer. Ten people would be a good showing.
As there is limited seating, please RSVP to the Chamber at 248-651-6700 so they know how many to plan for.
Details of the event:
Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce
January 19, 2007
Legislative Update
7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Rochester College (in the RAC Theatre)
800 W. Avon
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
No charge
Protest will take place at 7:15 a.m.