Saturday, July 21, 2007

Where is the outrage?

Where’s the outrage?

I’m amazed at the level of rhetoric that has been generated by my comments about Joe Knollenberg being a sinner in regard to his votes supporting President Bush’s fiasco in Iraq. There was a time in this country when the religious community would have condemned the war in Iraq as a moral issue. Nowadays leaders of the faith community defend the war or ignore it. It seems they are more interested in Terry Schiavo than the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that have died in and been displaced by this unjust war. People of faith don’t seem to think that an Iraqi life is worth as much as an American life. I thought all life was precious to god. Where are the leaders of the faith community now? Where is their moral outrage at President Bush for lying this country into war and being the cause of thousands of American soldiers’ deaths and thousands of soldiers being seriously wounded? Where is the outrage from people of faith about that? Instead they have their panties in a bunch because I asked Joe Knollenberg to atone for his sin of voting to support an unjust war. The shame of it.

Let’s not be distracted from the real issue by Joe Knollenberg’s campaign manager. The real moral issue here is the loss of life being caused by Joe “Knollenbush’s” war. Why doesn’t the pro-life community rise up now and tell Joe Knollenberg to withdraw his support for the moral outrage of this administration, the war in Iraq?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Knollenberg Leads The Pack in Pork Barrel Spending

Knollenberg is currently bragging about his Pork Barrel/earmark spending on his website.

He is trying to make it look like he is "helping" us. But the real story is that he is just a Big Pork Barrel Spender.

One of Knollenberg's recent Pork projects was to give the Troy Chamber of Commerce $150,000 in taxpayer money so they could buy a solar greenhouse. (A "solar" greenhouse? Is there some other kind?)

What is Knollenberg Hiding?
While promoting a few of his pork barrel projects, Joe Knollenberg refuses to release a list of ALL the earmarks he has secretly slipped into appropriations.

CNN recently did a survey of every member of Congress to see what earmarks they have secretly slipped into legislation. Knollenberg refused to even respond!?!

Knollenberg's reputation is that of a BIG SPENDER.
The Citizens Against Government Waste tracks earmarks and they recently highlighted Knollenberg's "egregious" spending.

Of course one of Knollenberg's most famous earmarks is the one where he slipped an $8 million earmark in for one of his biggest campaign contributors. Classic Joe.

Oakland County Cannot Afford Joe Knollenberg.

Compare Joe's Rhetoric to his record. You decide.

Listen to what Joe says about his support for our troops. Click here to listen to a message from Joe himself, then read the rest of this post and see if Joe's rhetoric matches his votes.
Joe Knollenberg says he supports the troops, but when given the chance put some money where his mouth is, he doesn't support them, he slashes their funding.

In fact, the Disabled American Veterans give him a ranking of 0.

* Voted against fully funding the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, guaranteeing them training and appropriate armor. [HR 1591, RollCall Vote 126, 4/25/07]

* Voted to continue awarding contracts to Halliburton even if the Pentagon's own audit processes found that more than $100 million of their contractor's costs in Iraq were unreasonable. [HR 4939, RollCall Vote 60, 3/16/06]

* Opposed expanding access to the military's TRICARE health insurance program to thousands of Reservist and National Guard members, even though 20 percent of all Reservists do not have health insurance, and 40 percent of Reservists aged 19 to 35 lack health coverage. [HR 1815 , Roll Call Vote #221, 5/25/2005]

* Voted against granting a bonus to grant a $1,500 bonus to every American service member serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, including National Guard and Reserve forces. [HR 3289, Roll Call Vote #554, 10/17/2003]

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Knollenberg Consistently Votes AGAINST Veterans

Joe Knollenberg says he supports the troops, but when given the chance put some money where his mouth is, he doesn't support them, he slashes their funding.

In fact, the Disabled American Veterans give him a ranking of 0.

* Voted against fully funding the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, guaranteeing them training and appropriate armor. [HR 1591, RollCall Vote 126, 4/25/07]

* Voted to continue awarding contracts to Halliburton even if the Pentagon's own audit processes found that more than $100 million of their contractor's costs in Iraq were unreasonable. [HR 4939, RollCall Vote 60, 3/16/06]

* Opposed expanding access to the military's TRICARE health insurance program to thousands of Reservist and National Guard members, even though 20 percent of all Reservists do not have health insurance, and 40 percent of Reservists aged 19 to 35 lack health coverage. [HR 1815 , Roll Call Vote #221, 5/25/2005]

* Voted against granting a bonus to grant a $1,500 bonus to every American service member serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, including National Guard and Reserve forces. [HR 3289, Roll Call Vote #554, 10/17/2003]

Here is another ad we want to run against Joe Knollenberg.

Joe doesn't like when he is asked to atone for war vote

Funny how Republicans love to invoke religion when they're voting against embryonic stem cell research or voting against a woman's right to choose, but bring religion into the debate over the war in Iraq and they cry foul and start whining.
The Detroit Free Press and the Oakland Press are covering the story.
Knollenberg staff seeks reprimand of activist for religion comments

July 18, 2007



WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenberg is taking exception to a comment made by an Oakland County activist about his religion – and his staff is calling on Gov. Jennifer Granholm to do something about it.

In an article in the Oakland Press this week, Rochester Hills resident Bruce Fealk made a reference to a planned protest outside Knollenberg’s office, saying it was aimed at getting the Republican congressman to come out in favor of legislation to end the war in Iraq.

In his comments, Fealk, 53, said Knollenberg should atone for his sins – meaning his refusal to back Democratic-sponsored legislation to set timetables for removing the troops – like a good Catholic.

Both Knollenberg’s staff and the National Republican Congressional Committee slammed Fealk and, a nationwide advocacy group to which Fealk belongs. In a statement today, the NRCC said, “ has once again made a name for themselves by attacking Joe Knollenberg’s personal beliefs and turning the Iraq war into a political, partisan game. … Religious smears have no place in political discourse.”

Meanwhile, Knollenberg’s chief of staff, Trent Wisecup, sent a letter to Granholm’s Washington office, noting that the governor had once appeared on Fealk’s cable access show in Oakland County and asking that she not do so again. It also said the governor should “inform him that injecting an elected official from Michigan’s religion into a debate on a public policy issue crosses the line.”

“His private beliefs are his private beliefs,” Wisecup said today.

Fealk, who said he was raised Jewish and now attends a non-denominational church, said today that if he had it to do over, he probably wouldn’t include the “Catholic boy part.” But he said he does believe that if Knollenberg has strong religious beliefs, he should vote to bring the troops home now.

Knollenberg has said he has doubts about President Bush’s surge policy but is willing to wait until September to see if progress is made.

“I think it’s time for the carnage to end,” said Fealk, who also noted that he is in no way an official spokesman for Fealk said he is a member who sometimes acts as a local organizer.

Jennifer Lindenauer, communication director for – a group that now claims some 3.4 million members and is primarily known for its anti-war stance – said she believes the Republicans are “doing what they normally do, which is make a mountain out of a molehill” by bringing attention to Fealk’s comments.

“They’re trying to distract us from the real conversation" about the war, she said.

She added, however, that bringing up someone’ s religious beliefs is “not a MoveOn tactic.”

“I agree with Fealk when he said he probably shouldn’t have brought religion into it, because the issue is ending the war in Iraq,” she said.

As for the governor, her spokeswoman Liz Boyd said that she won’t be making any promises not to appear on Fealk’s show again, though there are no immediate plans to do so.

The governor’s office also declined to comment on whether Fealk’s mention of religion was appropriate or not.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Joe's office slams the door on more constituents

This video shows the shabby treatment that constituents receive at Joe Knollenberg's office.
At least they could have invited us in for a cup of coffee.

Poor Joe Whines about having his faith called into question

Wednesday's edition of the Oakland Press has the article below denouncing's tactics and the reference made to his Catholic faith. Funny how Republicans call on faith when they talk about abortion and a multitude of other issues, but when called on to look to his faith for direction on a matter of war and justice, they get all steamed.
Our troops have it alot rougher than poor, whiny Joe Knollenberg. Quit your whining Joe and do the right thing and bring our troops home after you look to your faith for guidance. Pray for our troops and that they make it home safely and use your vote to bring them home.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Joe's office slams the door on Sister Barbara Cardinal

Shawn Ciavattone wouldn't even talk to Sister Barbara Cardinal today, whose nephew Billy is serving In Iraq. Joe Knollenberg doesn't care about our troops. He needs to atone for his sins. Joe, you need to go to church this Sunday and ask for forgiveness in the confessional. Watch this video to see how Joe Knollenberg's office treats his constituents, even worse, a woman with a nephew serving in Knollenbush's fiasco in Iraq.

How corrupt is Joe Knollenberg?

You can judge for yourself. I've been researching Joe Knollenberg's campaign finance report. Guess who shows up on Joe's list of donors, Jerry Lewis, not the comedian, but the congressman from California who is under investigation in connection with the Duke Cunningham case. You can read the Washington Post story by clicking here.
Apparently Jerry Lewis is another Catholic boy that needs to atone for his sins. Here he is with the Pope. Maybe the Pope took Mr. Lewis' confession.

Some other interesting donors on Joe's campaign finanance report, contributions from Wal-Mart. Maybe that would explain Joe's vote recently against the Employee Free Choice Act, which would have let employees join unions more easily. Another contributor is General Dynamics Corporation, one of the largest defense contractors in the county. That might explain Joe's steadfast support for George W. Bush's war. Joe also used his campaign funds to purchase $806 of Detroit Tiger tickets. I wonder who Joe was entertaining at the expense of his campaign. Some other intersting contributors, eBay Corporation and Daimler Chrysler.

Knollenberg vulnerable for supporting George W. Bush and his war

Just to set Tom Wisecup straight, Americans Against the Escalation in Iraq are certainly not needed in our efforts to retire Joe Knollenberg. Joe is vulnerable not just because he barely won against Nancy Skinner. Joe is vulnerable because he continues to support an unpopular, unjust war that is taking resources from domestic priorities and putting our nation at risk.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Joe Knollenberg: On The Extreme Edge of the Far Right Wing

Recognizing that the 9th Congressional District consists of generally moderate voters (i.e., voters who are fiscally conservative, but socially either liberal or libertarian by nature), Joe Knollenberg is now trying to rewrite history to portray himself as a "moderate".

Tsk. Tsk. Joe.

We have been watching you for years. This blog may be relatively new, but Knollenberg has a voting record dating back 14 years that prove that Knollenberg votes with the extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party.

In light of the recent article in the Congressional Quarterly where Knollenberg acknowledges that he will have to move to the center in order to be re-elected in 2008, we thought it would be appropriate to review again just how extreme Joe Knollenberg has been in Congress.

We'll be covering the following topics in more detail in coming posts:

Joe Knollenberg OPPOSES:

  • Joe Knollenberg opposes any timelines for bringing troops home from Iraq.
  • Joe Knollenberg opposes tax and trade policies that would protect our jobs.
  • Joe Knollenberg opposes laws to protect Clean Water and Clean Air.
  • Joe Knollenberg is opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
  • Joe Knollenberg is opposed to a national healthcare program.

Joe Knollenberg SUPPORTS:

  • Joe Knollenberg supports privatizing Social Security.
  • Joe Knollenberg supports tax and trade policies that oursource our jobs.
  • Joe Knollenberg supports tax and trade policies that hurt middle-class families.

Joe Knollenberg is Too Extreme for Oakland County.