Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nonpartisan Group - Working Families Win in the 9th

Jason Bauer and Working Families Win are active in the 9th District to focus this election on the issues that matter to working families.

Friday, July 11, 2008

DCC to spend $1.1 million to defeat Knollenberg

This is really great news.

House Democrats set to spend $35 million on TV ads

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats have reserved millions of dollars worth of television advertising in 31 congressional races in all corners of the country, according to documentation that provides an early roadmap of the party's drive to strengthen its majority in the fall elections.

The list includes 19 seats currently in Republican hands, from Connecticut to Alaska, with two each in Ohio and New Mexico. It also reflects a determination on the part of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to protect its own first-term incumbents in Kansas, New Hampshire, Florida and elsewhere.

In all, the documentation obtained by The Associated Press shows the DCCC has reserved nearly $35 million in advertising to begin in September and October.

Political parties and candidates frequently reserve advertising time in advance to obtain a lower price from television stations than might be available later. Final decisions on spending are normally made closer to the elections.

Democrats hold a 235-199 majority in the House, with one vacancy, and even Republicans concede they are unlikely to regain control in a political environment in which President Bush is unpopular and voters say they want change.

The GOP has lost special elections in recent months in three districts in Illinois, Louisiana and Mississippi long in their hands. A recent review commissioned by the party's leadership concluded that traditional Republican campaign themes no longer appear effective in swaying voters.

Additionally, the Democratic committee reported more than $47 million in the bank at the end of May. The Republican counterpart group had $6.7 million.

The Democratic advertising targets include Republican Reps. Don Young of Alaska, Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado, Chris Shays of Connecticut, Tom Feeney of Florida, Tim Wahlberg and Joe Knollenberg of Michigan, Robin Hayes of North Carolina, Jon Porter of Nevada and Steve Chabot of Ohio.

Click here for the rest of the story

Ad Targets McCain's stance on war and free trade

Joe Knollenberg and John McCain have been in favor of free trade and more war in Iraq and McCain has long threatened war with Iran. This ad addresses those issues.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

McCain asked about Viagara and birth control parity

So, let's see, John McCain is 71 years old and he doesn't have an opinion about whether insurance companies should have to cover birth control the same way they cover Viagara. Surely at 71 years old, McCain has heard of Viagara, even if it was from his friend Bob Dole in one of his Viagar commercials. This video is priceless. I wonder if Joe has an opinion on Viagara/birth control parity.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Kevorkian Signatures won't translate to votes

Kevorkian has no web site and almost no money for his campaign. Unless he withdraws, it looks like he will be on the ballot, though. Peters has had strong fundraising, has a professional staff and has strong appeal, even to Republicans in the district. It's time to retire Joe Knollenberg and get America moving again.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Iraq Asked Us to leave. Now, can our troops come home, Joe?

Back in May of 2007, President Bush said that if Iraq asked the United States to leave, we would leave. Well, yesterday, Iraq did just that, they asked us to set a timetable to leave Iraq. Will Joe Knollenberg and his Republican colleagues in the U.S. House help us do what President Bush pledged to do in 2007? I don't think so, do you?

July 8, 2008
Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki demands US withdrawal timetable
Iraqis want an end to the immunity that US troops have from prosecution
James Hider in Baghdad

Iraq said for the first time yesterday that it wanted to set a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from its territory.

President Bush has long resisted a schedule for pulling his 145,000 soldiers out, arguing that it would play into the hands of insurgents. Nouri al-Maliki, the Shia Prime Minister, who boasted last week that he had crushed terrorism in the country, suggested that it was time to start setting time-lines.

“The current trend is to reach an agreement on a memorandum of understanding either for the departure of the forces or to put a timetable on their withdrawal,” Mr al-Maliki said during a visit to the United Arab Emirates. He rejected efforts by Mr Bush to hurry through an agreement on vital issues such as the immunity of US troops in Iraq and use of the country’s airspace. Mr Bush had hoped to sign a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) by the end of July to establish the basis for a long-term presence of US troops in the country.

The Iraqi parliament has bridled at pushing through such a binding deal with the outgoing and unpopular Bush Administration, saying that the negotiations have been secretive and could undermine Iraq’s sovereignty. “I don’t know anything about this agreement and neither does parliament,” said Ezzedine Dawla, a Sunni MP. “We’re going to pass something we don’t know anything about.”

Mr al-Maliki’s announcement showed a growing self-confidence that Iraqi leaders can stand up to their powerful ally. His oil minister said last week that leading Western oil companies would not be allowed to set conditions for future deals over Iraq’s main natural resource. The tough stance also comes before Iraqi provincial elections later this year, and may mark the start of the Prime Minister’s campaign to be reelected. His popularity was bolstered by military operations to take back the southern oil city of Basra and the town of al-Amarah from Iranian-backed Shia militias.
Click here for the rest of the story.

61-year-old librarian removed from out side McCain Town Hall

This story in from Denver, outside a John McCain town hall event. A 61-year-old librarian was holding a sign that read Bush=McCain outside the venue where John McCain was holding a town hall and she was approached by police and Secret Service and told she had to leave or she would be arrested. She was not causing any disturbance and she was OUTSIDE the venue. And you thought we had free speech in this country. Joe Knollenberg has endorsed John McCain. I wonder if he endorses this kind of abridgment of free speech rights.

Monday, July 07, 2008

I hope you watch this video, Joe

This is a really powerful video of a woman and her family that has been abused by our health care system. Joe Knollenberg has called universal coverage "socialized medicine." He has voted against expanding the SCHIP program to 10 million children. So as you watch this video, think about whether Joe Knollenberg really deserves to be re-elected. I don't think so.