Friday, May 25, 2007

Once Again, Knollenberg Votes to Give Bush a Blank Check For Iraq

Once again, Joe Knollenberg voted to give George Bush a blank check on his war in Iraq. [HR 2206, Rollcall vote # 425, May 24, 2007]

Using basic logic:
* Joe Knollenberg is funding this losing war effort.
* If you buy it, you own it.
* So, Joe Knollenberg owns the debacle in Iraq.
* If you own it, you are responsible for it.

So, now Joe Knollenberg is responsible for what happens in Iraq.
By Funding the War,
Joe Knollenberg Has Accepted Responsibility
For Whatever Happens
From Now On In IRAQ.

This is now the Bush/Knollenberg War in Iraq.

Unfortunately for Joe Knollenberg, the public is even more against the war and him than ever before.

A recent poll says:

* 61% of voters say the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq in the first place.
* 76% think things are going badly there.
* 63% disapprove of how George Bush is doing his job.
* 72% think the Country is on the Wrong Track.
* 76% think that the "surge" is either having no impact or is making things worse
* 69% think that funding for the war should be tied to benchmarks that the Iraqis have to meet

That 72% of Americans who think the Country is on the wrong track is the highest that has ever been. It had been running in the upper 60 percentile earlier. That 72% is the highest it has been since that question has been the subject of a poll -- for nearly 25 years.

Only 15% agree with George Bush & Joe Knollenberg that there should be no conditions on war funding.

Tying himself so closely to George Bush that his actions are indistinguishable will not help Joe Knollenberg in 2008.

In fact, although Bush's ratings have been low for years, they have hit new all time lows lately. According to the NYT:

As for Mr. Bush, 23 percent approve of his handling of the situation in Iraq, while 72 percent disapprove; 25 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, while 66 percent disapprove; and 27 percent approve of his handling of immigration issues, while 60 percent disapprove.

On the economy, 38 percent approve of Mr. Bush’s handling of the issue, and on the campaign against terrorism, 40 percent approve, matching his career low on the issue.

The 85% of us who disagree with Joe Knollenberg and George Bush will remember this in 2008.

Bye bye Joe. Not gonna be sorry to see you go.

To Stop the Bush/Knollenberg War, Bush & Knollenberg Have to Go.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Joe Knollenberg on Impeachment of the President

When discussing the impeachment of the President, Joe Knollenberg said:

In my opinion there is no doubt, however, that the President's conduct rises to the level of impeachable offenses. To protect his political livelihood, this President has subverted the rule of law, lied to the American people, and manipulated his staff and members of his cabinet to perpetuate his lies. These crimes are felonies that deserve the most severe penalty provided by the Constitution.

Moreover, recent events have brought into the question the President's ability to lead. I have come to the conclusion that [the President] does not possess the character or the judgment to occupy the highest office in the land. This president has violated his oath of office, betrayed the trust of the American people, and demeaned the institution of the presidency. I implore my colleagues to vote for the impeachment. . .

Oh, wait. This is what Joe said about Clinton.

Funny how Joe Knollenberg has nothing to say about George Bush lying to the American people, subverting the rule of law, manipulating his staff to perpetrate his lies, etc.

Joe Knollenberg is nothing but a partisan hack. A mouthpiece for lobbyists.

Knollenberg is a puppet for George Bush & Dick Cheney.

Oakland County deserves a Congressional Representative
Who Will Work For Middle Class Families,
Not for Bush, Cheney, and their Cronies.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Joe Knollenberg Protects Bush, But Not US

Joe Knollenberg continues to give George Bush unconditional support in the debacle in Iraq.

This disaster has harmed our military by decreasing their readiness, drained our treasury, and destroyed the lives of thousands of American troops and their families.

But Joe Knollenberg just continues to vote for George Bush.

In this 60 second clip, General Wesley Clark discusses how the Iraq war has harmed our military.

I can't wait until we start running these ads against Joe Knollenberg.

Joe Knollenberg is too extreme for Oakland County.

"Do Nothing" Knollenberg's Admission That He Hasn't Accomplished Anything in 14 Years

Take a look at Joe Knollenbergs website.

I'm not going to post the link, you can find it yourself.

Now google absolutely any other Member of Congress.

Notice the difference?

Even a glance at every single other member of Congress' website will give you at least a glimpse of what is going on in Congress. Democrats and Republicans alike. Those that keep their sites updated, actually tell you what Congress has done in the last week. Some tell you what happened in Congress today or yesterday.

QUESTION: What does "Do Nothing" Knollenberg's website discuss?
ANSWER: Other people's accomplishments. He talks about sports teams and other organizations that do things. Even he can't come up with anything of significance that he has done.

Joe Knollenberg Hasn't Accomplished Anything in 14 Years.

Oakland County Can't Afford Joe Knollenberg.

"Do Nothing" Knollenberg's Admission

Take a look at Joe Knollenbergs website.

I'm not going to post the link, you can find it yourself.

Now google absolutely any other Member of Congress.

Notice the difference?

Even a glance at every single other member of Congress' website will give you at least a glimpse of what is going on in Congress. Democrats and Republicans alike. Those that keep their sites updated, actually tell you what Congress has done in the last week. Some tell you what happened in Congress today or yesterday.

QUESTION: What does "Do Nothing" Knollenberg's website discuss?
ANSWER: Other people's accomplishments. He talks about sports teams and other organizations that do things. Even he can't come up with anything of significance that he has done.

Joe Knollenberg Hasn't Accomplished Anything in 14 Years.

Oakland County Can't Afford Joe Knollenberg.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Will Knollenberg Give Bush Another Blank Check on Iraq?

Will Joe Knollenberg continue to give Joe Knollenberg a blank check on Iraq?

We'll find out soon enough.

Meanwhile, 97 more Americans have died since Joe Knollenberg voted NO on a timetable for withdrawing American Troops.

"DO NOTHING" Knollenberg Continues to Live Up To His Name

Joe "Do Nothing" Knollenberg continues to live up to his nickname -- by doing nothing.

Knollenberg's record in Congress has been abysmal. He has not introduced a single major piece of legislation to help Michigan families or the auto industry.

After 14 years in Congress, he has no accomplishments to show for it. Rather we have had no benefit from having him there. In fact, arguably we benefit when he fails to show up for votes.

Now "DO NOTHING" Knollenberg is worried that we have figured out how little he has accomplished.

He has hired a Washington D.C. lobbyist to run his campaign.

His lobbyist writes up little news releases and editorials and they get published under "Do Nothing" Knollenberg's name.

Joe Knollenberg works for the Lobbyists, not us.

Call Joe Knollenberg and tell him he should at least have the decency to step down and let someone who is willing to work for the people run for the seat.

Joe Knollenberg is too extreme for Oakland County.

Oh Look. We're Standing Up as They are Standing Down

Joe Knollenberg and George Bush keep escalating the war in Iraq.

But as Joe Knollenberg supports adding more and more U.S. troops, the Brits are withdrawing their troops. The UK had 7100 troops at the beginning of the year and they are drawing down to 5500 right now.

So, we're standing up while they are standing down.

Now what Joe? Should we just keep adding more and more US troops to the crossfire in Baghdad?

How much death and destruction do we have to suffer before enough is enough.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

88 More American Troops Killed

88 more U.S. Troops have died since Joe Knollenberg voted against a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

88 more of our friends, neighbors, co-workers.

88 more mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.

88 more sons and daughters.

88 more Americans have died since Joe Knollenberg voted against a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

88 more Americans have died in just 3 weeks.

How many more have to die before Joe Knollenberg will actually do something to stop this slaughter?

Vote No On Joe!

75 More American Troops Killed

75 more U.S. Troops have died since Joe Knollenberg voted against a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

75 more of our friends, neighbors, co-workers.

75 more mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.

75 more sons and daughters.

75 more Americans have died since Joe Knollenberg voted against a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

75 more Americans have died in just 3 weeks.

How many more have to die before Joe Knollenberg will actually do something to stop this slaughter?

Vote No On Joe!