Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Let's See What Joe Has Done For Us Lately. Oops. Looks Like He Hasn't Done Anything At All!

Glancing at Congressman Knollenberg's website today gives a fresh look at how he represents the District. He doesn't. Actually, he doesn't do much of anything.

The last report on his website is dated October 17, 2006. Apparently he has been hard at work for the last 10 weeks doing nothing at all.

Then there is his list of speeches. Why look, he hasn't given a speech since March 2, 2005. Nearly 2 years ago. At least we know he isn't out giving speeches. And we know for sure he isn't out talking to his constitutents. The last time any of us saw him it was his picture on a milk carton.

There isn't anything on his website regarding a plan to succeed in Iraq. He did state that "Despite an unrelenting drumbeat of negative news, Iraqis and coalition forces make substantial progress in freedom, safety, health, and development."

Gosh, apparently if it wasn't for the press reporting negative things we wouldn't be losing in Iraq. Of course, it is also the Pentagon and the National Intelligence Agencies that are reporting that the place is going to hell. Apparently we are just not supposed to look behind that curtain.

There isn't anything on his website regarding his plan to help Michigan's auto industry.

There isn't anything on his website regarding the threat of global warming. Oh wait. There is something. Oh look, he supports global warming. He doesn't think it is a threat.

It is time now for the 110th Congress to start.
That means his vacation time is over and Joe Knollenberg can go back to sleep again.


Chetly Zarko said...

What ridiculous logic.

So every speech he gives must be put into a web-accessible format?

That itself would be a waste of government time and resources.

The web is designed to highlight information. Only in a few cases is an archive of every possible bit of information.

The same applies to rest of this posts' "logic."

With Liberty & Justice for all . . . said...

He has done it!

Joe has gone 3 months without releasing a statement, making a speech, taking a position, or issuing a press release!!

Let's watch and see if he goes 4 months. I bet he does. I don't think he even starts to think about his duties until about a month before the next election.