For Immediate Release Contact: Debbie Jackson
08/12/2007 248 842 2503
Welcome for Returning Warrior at Troy Hooters
Marine Mom Urges Congressman Knollenberg Take Stand Against Endless War in Iraq
Troy, MI –Debbie Jackson does not know why, over four years after President Bush declared “mission accomplished” in Iraq, General Petraeus wants to keep our troops there for another decade. “So, the question our military moms, dads, wives, sons, daughters have of the government is: what is the mission there now? There is a difference between supporting our troops and supporting this war as it is now!” Last week, Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute recommended a draft to facilitate such a prolonged occupation and elected representatives, including Joe Knollenberg, the U.S. Congressman from Debbie’s area, have yet to lift a finger to thwart it. For now, Debbie is happy that her son is coming home and would like to make sure that he does not return to fight in someone else’s civil war. “On 8/26/07 @ 4:00pm we will welcome home our son, Brandon Jackson and other military service members from the 3/6 Lima Company returning from Iraq. We invite anyone interested to join us and celebrate their safe return. Welcome home, and let’s keep them home! “
Debbie will be hosting a welcome at the Troy Hooters at the intersection of Rochester Road and Big Beaver. Veterans and military families are invited. “We considered inviting Congressman Knollenberg to the event, but decided not to after we saw his grade of C from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. If he comes, he should be prepared to justify his dismal voting record on veterans’ issues.”
Representatives from the 9th District Chapter of Americans Against Escalation in Iraq will be present together with Joe NOllenberg, a giant puppet-head symbolizing the Congressman’s refusal to stand up for American troops, instead giving in to pressure from the administration. On August 28th, the group has invited Congressman Knollenberg for a Townhall meeting at Central High School in Pontiac to take a stand against the Iraq war. The Congressman’s office has yet to respond to the invitation.
I must say, Bruce, this may be your most persuasive work yet.
That actually sounds sincere, Chet.
That actually sounds sincere, Chet.
I'm almost always sincere, Bruce.
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