Friday, April 06, 2007

Joe & Gonzo

Calls for the resignation of the U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, are ringing out from both sides of the aisle in Congress. Members of the House and Senate -- both Democrats and Republicans -- have been calling for his resignation amidst the scandal of his firing 8 U.S. Attorneys and replacing them with Karl Rove's political cronies.

Congressman Vern Ehlers, a Republican from Grand Rapids, has called for Gonazales' resignation.

Joe Knollenberg, the Congressman with the amazing knack of finding the wrong side of every issue has yet to make any public declarations about his position on the issue. He hasn't said he supports Gonzales. But he hasn't called for his resignation either.

Why is Joe Knollenberg silent on important issues of corruption and cronyism?

1 comment:

Jordan said...

"Why is Joe Knollenberg silent on important issues of corruption and cronyism?"

Given his expertise in this field, I would find his view fascinating. ;)