Friday, July 13, 2007

30 More Americans Killed in 10 Days in Iraq

Thanks to rubber stamp Reps like Joe "Do Nothing" Knollenberg, 30 more American Troops were killed in the first 10 days of the month.

276 American Troops have died needlessly since Joe Knollenberg first voted AGAINST the redeployment of troops out of the crossfire of the Iraqi Civil War.

608 Americans have been killed in Iraq since the beginning of the year. 525 of those deaths have occurred during the "surge" of troops that Joe Knollenberg has blindly and unconditionally supported.

Joe "Do Nothing" Knollenberg has done nothing to prevent these unnecessary deaths.

Copies of the death certificates of each of these troops should be sent to Joe Knollenberg so he can see the blood on his own hands.
Joe Knollenberg is Responsible for Enough Dead Americans.

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