Thursday, July 03, 2008

Joe Wants Us to Know He's Really Concerned about our 4th of July Plans

Joe sent out this 4th of July message. He wants us to know he's really concerned about gas prices, even though the Bush administration and Joe Knollenberg have been a big part of the problem and why we still don't have a comprehensive energy plan. Joe's plan will give Big Oil even higher profits at the expense of middle income Americans who are already struggling to put gas in the tank and food on the table.

Here's hoping that our military serving in Iraq will be home to celebrate the 4th of July next year with their families.

Wishing You a Happy and Safe 4th of July


As those of us in Oakland County, along with Americans across the country, prepare to join with family and friends to celebrate our country's freedom, I wanted to wish you a happy Fourth of July and a safe holiday weekend.

Each year we set aside July 4 to mark the day our founding fathers, at great risk to themselves and their families, put their signatures to a historic document that turned colonies into states and charted the rights and freedoms of the greatest republic the world has ever seen.

The declaration they signed that day reminded the world that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. From that day until today, we as Americans have striven to make those written words living realities.

We should all pause this holiday to remember the brave men and women of our military who will spend this holiday away from their family and friends in the defense of the freedom we celebrate and cherish. Freedom is not free, and their heroic sacrifices are what pay the price for all of us.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy the good company, the barbeques, the beauty of Michigan in summer, the fireworks, and the good fortune of living in this great land - the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Congressman Joe Knollenberg

PS - I know gas prices will be on your mind this weekend, and they may have even changed your plans. I want you to know that I'm as outraged by them as you are, and I'll continue fighting for my plan to bring them down. Then, someday soon, this country can celebrate its independence from high gas prices and foreign oil.

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