Sunday, October 05, 2008

Knollenberg Invites Sarah Palin back to Michigan

I'm sorry, but this is just pathetic. John McCain has said he's pulling out of Michigan and leaving poor Joe Knollenberg all on his own, without the Presidential ticket campaigningin Michigan. Joe must be really scared he's going to get whooped by Gary Peters. Knollenberg actually thinks lightweight VP candidate and hockey mom, Sarah Palin, who shoots wolves from helicopters, can help him win back his seat in Congress. Joe must be really desperate to think Palin is important to him keeping his seat.

Knollenberg invites Palin to come back to Michigan

Gordon Trowbridge / Detroit News Washington Bureau

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has questioned for a second straight day the McCain campaign's decision to abandon its Michigan operation.

By late Saturday afternoon, Congressman Joe Knollenberg's office released a letter that he had sent to Palin. In a letter, dated Oct. 4, 2008, Knollenberg (R-MI) invites Palin to return to Michigan and campaign in Oakland County.

"My disappointment over Senator McCain's decision to not campaign in Michigan was immediately overwhelmed by my excitement upon hearing of your desire to come back to our state," he wrote. "Consider this a formal invitation to join me on the trail in Oakland County. With hard work, you and John can win my pivotal county and then likely win Michigan as well."

Click here for the rest of the story.

1 comment:

MIKE said...

Sarah Palin is Dick Cheney in a skirt. Both are intellectual lightweights. Both are vendictive. Both are ignorant or indifferant to the Constitution. Both have ties to the oil industry. Both are polarizing. Both are neocons. One can't shoot straight and the other can't talk straight.