Thursday, June 07, 2007

Knollenberg Votes For Human Cloning

Joe Knollenberg voted NO on a bill to prohibit human cloning!!!!

No, really he did. See for yourself: H.R. 2560, June 6, 2007, Roll Call Vote #439.

According to CNN, the bill:

makes it illegal to use cloning technology to initiate a pregnancy and create a cloned human being. Violators would be subject to up to 10 years in prison and face fines of up to $10 million.

"The bill bans human reproductive cloning. Nothing more, nothing less," said Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colorado, the bill's sponsor. "It defies logic why anyone would vote against this bill.
Joe Knollenberg voted AGAINST a BAN on human CLONING!

Joe Knollenberg is too extreme for Oakland County.

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