Thursday, March 15, 2007

Knollenberg Votes AGAINST Honesty From Government Workers

True to his extremist radical right views, Joe Knollenberg voted NO on legislation (HR 985) that would protect Federal workers from retribution for turning in people who were defrauding the government or otherwise acting wrongfully.

This is another example of Joe Knollenberg's Extreme Radical Right Positions

As described below by Sharon, HR 985 is the "Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2007". Basically it provides protection to any federal worker who discloses what they reasonably believe is "
credible evidence of waste, abuse, gross mismanagement, or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety".

In other words, it would protect federal workers from losing their jobs and being demoted, etc. if they disclose "waste, abuse, gross mismanagement, or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety". Seems to me we want our government workers to be honest and forthright. We want them to come forward when they see their agency doing something that is wrong.

Why on earth would Joe Knollenberg NOT want government employees to report credible evidence of waste, abuse, gross mismanagement, or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety????

This legislation passed with not just a mere majority of votes in the House, but it passed with a majority of Democrats and a majority of Republicans. It was a true bipartisan effort.

This is another example of Joe Knollenberg being on the
wrong side of an issue again.

When will Knollenberg stop listening to high priced lobbyists and special interests and start listening to constituents?

Apparently after 14 years of listening to lobbyists -- and hiring them to work on his staff -- honesty just isn't important to Joe Knollenberg.