Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Knollenberg Was For Higher CAFE Standards Before He Was Against It

Funny thing. Joe Knollenberg and his Chief Lobbyist, Trent Wisecup, were for increasing CAFE standards before they were against it.


What Joe & His Lobbyist Are Saying Today
Trent Wisecup, the Washington DC lobbyist that Knollenberg hired as his Chief of Staff was recently
quoted as saying: "The Congressman's position is we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. But you need to do it by promoting alternative energy."
According to his own website:

Congressman Joe Knollenberg issued the following statement on President Bush’s proposal to significantly increase federal mileage requirements (CAFÉ) over the next 10 years:

“I am disappointed that the president has proposed a CAFÉ increase. If adopted, this proposal would lead to more job cuts and plant closings in Michigan. Raising CAFÉ standards would discriminate against The Big Three and accelerate the push of Toyota and Honda to grab more market share.

What Joe & His Lobbyist Were Saying Just 2 Years Ago

But just a few years ago, Knollenberg and Wisecup were singing the praises of George Bush for his proposal to increase CAFE. Wisecup wrote an
article in the National Review where he said:

CAFE reforms based on recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, which would increase fuel efficiency without a negative impact on the U.S. automobile industry.
I don't think there have been any major changes in combustion technology in the last 2 years so it seems to me that if it were true 2 years ago that Congress could "increase fuel efficiency without a negative impact on the U.S. automobile industry", why wouldn't the same be true for today.

FLIP. FLOP. Which way is the wind blowing? What is Joe's position today? Oh, it just changed again?

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